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Respect and Tolerance
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Summary of Main Activities 2012
Respect and Tolerance
Documentation of Jewish Histrory
Educational programs
Šumperk Region
Czech Republic
Summary of Main Activities
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Two main projects of the Respect and Tolerance Foundation in 2012 were:
- Presentation of the educational program & movie document Diary of Otto Wolf and a Story of his Family in schools in the region. The document was created by members of RT Foundation and describes a true story of a Jewish family, which lived in hiding during the Nazi occupation in the Olomouc county. The thirty minute document is followed by two or three hour interactive educational workshop. Program is very effective and popular with students and teachers as well.
The film document Diary of Otto Wolf, which RT Foundation prepared with a financial assistance from Foundation for Holocaust Victims, won several awards including the First Prize in the Czech National Competition of non professional documents Czech Videosalon 2012 and the second prize in TV Festival of Good News in Ostrava. The UNICA committee chose the document into a collection, which will represent the Czech Republic on the World Festival 2013.
- Documentation of Jewish history in the town of Šumperk and preparation
of the publication Those to whom names were returned, will not be forgotten: Šumperk Jews Testimonies. Prepared and published with financial assistance from the Foundation for Holocaust Victims and the Town of Šumperk.
Other activities of the Respect and Tolerance Foundation included:
● Kamenná elementary school. The Holocaust, educational interactive
program adjusted to children in grades 1 – 5. Presented on January 27th
(International Day of Commemoration Holocaust Victims).
● Mene Tekel – International Festival against Totality. RT Foundation
took part in the festival and presented there a display The Torah from the Mírov Prison documenting the life of a former political prisoner Jan Janků, the honorary member of RT Foundation and the bearer of the highest Czech award TGM for the fight for a democracy.
● Mohelnice high school. The Diary of Otto Wolf, introduction of the year-round educational program and premiere of the newly created course.
● The nationwide literary competition Daniel for students, focused on the Holocaust and prevention of crimes against humanity. RT Foundation was the main sponsor of the competition in 2012. The finale took place in the Educational Center of Jewish Museum in Prague.
● Litovel high school. The Diary of Otto Wolf and a Story of his Family, educational interactive program.
● RT Foundation awarded the Elie Wiesel Prize 2012 to Mr. Gerhard
Wanitschek from Germany for his contribution to research and documentation of the Jewish History in the Šumperk area.
● Litovel high school. My Name is Fanny Neuda, educational program created as a guide through the Loštice synagogue and Jewish cemetery; three different versions for various age groups last from two to five hours.
● Practical program for students of the Center for Judaic Studies (Palacky University Olomouc); in Loštice and Úsov synagogues & cemeteries.
● Mohelnice high school. Continuation of the year-round educational program attended by the Holocaust survivor Mrs. Alžběta Dostálová.
● Jom ha-shoa. Members of RT Foundation took part in a commemorative reading of the Holocaust victim names in Prague.
● Avonotaj. Concert of Jewish songs and reading from the book Hours of Devotion in the Šternberk parish church. Introduction by L. Štipl.
● Educational workshop for teachers - two day course in the Loštice synagogue. Lecturers of RT Foundation instructed participants and shared their experience with them on teaching Jewish history. In a cooperation with the Youth institute of the Ministry of Education.
● Students of the Center of Judaic Studies. Basics of Museum Work, practical course, prepared and conducted by members of the RT Foundation in the Loštice synagogue. The main theme: How to protect, store and exhibit documents, artifacts, photographs etc. obtained from e.g. survivors.
● Installation of the exhibition Footprints of Memory in the Loštice synagogue. The audiovisual project documenting and presenting memories of people, who suffered under the Nazi or Communist regime.
● Troubelice high school. My name is Abraham, educational program created for the Úsov synagogue and Jewish cemetery. Three different versions for various age groups last from two to five hours.
● Mohelnice high school. Conclusion of the year-round program.
● Mohelnice Technical College. The tour through the Loštice synagogue and library, lecture re: Jewish History; exhibition Footprints of Memory.
● Festival of Memories commemorating the 70th Anniversary of transportation 59 Jewish people from Loštice to Theresienstadt. Two day festival consisting of lectures, concerts and screenings of documents.
● Mohelnice Trade School. Educational program The Diary of Otto Wolf.
● Survivors of the Holocaust - members of WIZO (Women International Zionist Organization) visited synagogues and Jewish cemeteries in Loštice and Úsov. Members of RT Foundation learned valuable personal stories.
● Mohelnice Technical College. Educ. program in the Loštice synagogue.
● St. Voršila school Olomouc. Educ. program The Diary of Otto Wolf.
● Zábřeh high school. My name is Fanny Neuda, educational program.
● ZŠ Hrabová. My name is Abraham, educational program.
● EuFoAll - Education program for children from orphanages; in the Loštice synagogue. During summer holidays orphanages from different Moravian towns were sending once or twice a week groups of children to Loštice. Children aged 10-18 years attended different courses on Jewish history and helped with work in the synagogue and cemetery.
● Installation and opening of the exhibition Jewish People Today
in the Loštice synagogue. Photographs by Jindřich Buxbaum.
● TV Noe interview with Luděk Štipl. Interview was broadcasted together with the document The Diary of Otto Wolf and a Story of his Family.
● Information panels for the Šumperk Jewish cemetery. Research, preparation and installation of panels with illustrations and texts re: History of Jewish Community (in Czech, English and German language).
● Installation and opening of the exhibition Theatre and Music
in the Loštice synagogue. Photographs by Pavel and Petr Horník.
● Educational workshop for teachers - two day course in the Loštice synagogue. Members of RT Foundation were sharing their experience on teaching Jewish history. In a cooperation with the Youth Institute of the Ministry of Education. Program received very high evaluation from all participants.
● Zábřeh high school. Queen Ester – introduction to the Jewish History. Initiation of the year-round educational program.
● Šternberk College. Queen Ester – introduction to the Jewish History. Initiation of the year-round educational program.
● Troubelice high school. Program in the Úsov synagogue and cemetery.
● Zábřeh high school. The Diary of Otto Wolf, continuation of the year-round educational program.
● Šternberk College. Kristallnacht, continuation of the year-round educational program.
● Šternberk College. Queen Ester – introduction to the Jewish History. Continuation of the year-round educational program.
● Mohelnice high school. Stories of Injustice. Educational program.
● Mohelnice Techical College. Stories of Injustice. Educational program.
● TV Noe Festival of the Good News in Ostrava. RT movie document The Diary of Otto Wolf won the Second Prize in the main category.
● Troubelice high school. Queen Ester, educational program.
● Mohelnice high school. Jewish holidays & traditions, educational program.
● Prostějov high school. Kristallnacht, educational program.
● Prostějov high school. Jewish holidays, Shabath supper – experience educational programs.
● Hanušovice high school. Kristallnacht, educational program.
● Center of Judaic Studies. Basics of Museum and Archive Work, educational program for students. Prepared and conducted by RT members.
● Prostějov high school. The Diary of Otto Wolf, educational program.
● Senice na Hané high school. The Diary of Otto Wolf, education program.
● Zábřeh high school. Jewish holidays, experience educational program.
● Šternberk College. Jewish symbols, experience educational program.
● Mysteries of House of Life. Cooperation with the Czech National TV on searching for materials, conducting interviews with survivors and preparing a script for TV program re: Jewish history in the Šumperk area.
● Those to whom names were returned, will not be forgotten: Šumperk Jews Testimonies. Finishing and printing the publication re: History of Jewish Community in Šumperk (68 pages).
Respect and Tolerance Foundation, Radnice 4, 789 85 Mohelnice, Czech Republic
Director: Luděk Štipl Education Manager: Zdeňka Míčová
Principal Donor: Dr. Stanton Canter Family Trust
Tel.: (420) 775 264 206, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.respectandtolerance.com
Bank account: 35-5957440267/0100, Komerční banka
IBAN format of KB account: CZ4901000000355957440267

Šternberk College.

Zábřeh high school.

Educational workshop for teachers in the Loštice synagogue.

Zábřeh h. s. students, Loštice synagogue, exhibition Footprints of Memory.

Mohelnice high school.

Hrabová high school students, Úsov synagogue.

Troubelice high school, Jewish cemetery in Úsov.

Synagogue Loštice, women’s gallery 2010.

Synagogue Loštice, women’s gallery 2012.