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Respect and Tolerance
Zpráva o činnosti 2018
Summary of Activities 2011
Respect and Tolerance
Documentation of Jewish History
Educational Programs
Loštice, Mohelnice, Úsov
Czech Republic
Activities and Programs
Festive opening of the restored synagogue
Lostice, August 28, 2012
Respect and Tolerance
Tel.: (+420) 583 455 912, cell.: (+420) 775 264 206
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The main portion of the Loštice synagogue restoration project was completed in August 2011. The restoration in this period was supported mainly by MAS Mohelnicko - State Agriculture Intervention Fund (EU), Foundation for Holocaust Victims, Ministry of Culture and the Town of Loštice.
During the entire reconstruction period, except one week in August, the synagogue was open to public.
Members of the Respect and Tolerance Foundation assisted with the restoration of the synagogue and with creation of the new museum display. In the same time they also presented educational programs in schools in the region. The completion of the publication Diary of Otto Wolf and DVD document Otto Wolf and his Family took place as well. These projects were supported by the Foundation of the Jewish Community in Prague and Foundation for Holocaust Victims. Cultural programs in Úsov synagogue were supported by the Olomouc Region.
Selection of most important activities of the Respect and Tolerance Foundation:
- Continuation of the educational program for the Mohelnice high school students with themes Jewish Symbols, Traditions, Customs, Jewish Holidays, Synagogue, Jewish Cemetery, Holocaust, Kristallnacht and Jewish Regional History. (The course was presented each month during the school year 2010/2011).
- Preparation of the permanent museum display in the Loštice synagogue. Work continued until August 2011.
- There Once Was a World the lecture and opening of the RT exhibition in the gallery of the Cultural and Educational Center of the Jewish Museum; in co-operation with the Center of Judaic Studies (Palacky University in Olomouc).
- The founding member of the RT Foundation Dr. Stanton Canter acquired and shipped the set of books, which became the base of the new Otto Wolf Library in the Lostice synagogue. The set consists of about thousand books on Jewish history, traditions, Holocaust, anti-Semitism etc.
- Preparation of the educational program The Saved Child Thomas Graumann (one of many children saved by Sir Nicolas Winton in 1939). Presentation in the town of Dlouhá Loucka.
- The preliminary opening of the permanent museum display and Otto Wolf Libray in the Lostice synagogue (working version).
- The joint concert of music groups Kamaradi and Nezmari in the Lostice synagogue.
- The visit of the volunteers/students from Germany - members of the ASF program. Students came to work in the Lostice Jewish cemetery and learn local Jewish history.
- ARS LYRICA choir concert of the baroque and Jewish music in theUsov synagogue a part of Cultural Summer Festival prepared by the Respect and Tolerance Foundation in co-operation with the Town of Usov. The Festival was supported by the Olomouc Region.
- The lecture History of the Jewish Community in Lostice and screening the DVD document Edith Carter Knopfelmacher in the Sumperk Library.
- The educational program for students of the Lostice high school in the Lostice synagogue.
- Conclusion of the educational program for students of the Mohelnice high school combined with a field trip to the LoĂ ÂĄtice synagogue and Jewish cemetery.
- The educational program for pupils of the Sumvald elementary school in the Usov synagogue.
- Introduction of the newly created interactive educational program My name is Abraham for pupils of the Kamenna elementary school in the Usov synagogue and in the Jewish cemetery.
- The educational program My name is Abraham for pupils of the Klopina elementary school in the Usov synagogue and in the Jewish cemetery.
- The concert of the Oldrich Janota and Romana Silhava Duo in the Lostice synagogue. During the concert their new CD titled On the New Moon was introduced. The CD is dedicated to the Memory of the Jewish Community in Lostice and to the Foundation Respect and Tolerance.
- Art and education seminar titled Following footsteps of Rb. Abraham Neuda. Seven day program was organized for students who took part in Summer Photography Workshop prepared by the House of Children and Youth in Olomouc and Teachers College in Prerov. The photographs resulting from this seminar were presented in exhibitions in the Lostice synagogue and in the DDM Gallery in Olomouc.
- Completion of the permanent museum display, study and Otto Wolf Library in the Lostice synagogue.
- Dr. Stanton Canter and Janet Canter, founding members of the RT Foundation arrived to Lostice, for a two week working visit. They attended the festive opening of the newly restored synagogue. Several days were devoted to the assessment of the RT activities in years 2010/2011 period and to plans for year 2012 (and next five years).
- Dr. Canter also took part in meetings with the management of the sternberk College and also in the meeting with the member of the Czech Parliament Mr. Jiri Zemanek.
- The festive opening of the restored Lostice synagogue was attended by descendents of the last Lostice rabbi Dr. Asriel GĂÂźnzig (1868-1931) from USA, Belgium and Israel and also by friends and VIPs from the Czech Republic and abroad.
- The concert of the Carmen Choir in the ĂĹĄsov synagogue.
- The two day Jewish History seminar for teachers in the Lostice synagogue.
- The preparation of educational programs for school year 2011/2012.
- The concert of Jaroslava Maxova - the soloist of the National Theatre in the Lostice synagogue. The concert Hashivenu was organized in a cooperation with Mr. Radim Dolansky and the Town of Lostice.
- The educational program for pupils of the Troubelice elementary school focused on the Jewish history. The premiere of the new program, which uses the story of Queen Ester to introduce/illustrates the Jewish history.
- The educational program Kristallnacht was presented during the month of November in high schools in towns of Mirov, Mohelnice, Hanusovice, Usov a Trsice.
- The educational program Jewish History for students of the sternberk College (Six hours - lectures and workshops).
- Introduction of the educational interactive program for students of the Zabreh high school (the course will continue until the end of school year 2011/2012).
- Presentation of educational program Stories of Injustice in high schools in towns of Mohelnice and Litovel and in the Mohelnice Technical College.
- The opening of the exhibition of photographs by Jitka Zatloukalova in the Lostice synagogue.
- Completion of DVD document Otto Wolf and Story his Family.
- Presentation of the educational program Jewish Holidays for students of the sternberk College (six hours - lectures and workshops).
Educational program Lostice Stories for students of the Mohelnice high school.
Lostice synagogue, April 2011
Lecture History of the Jewish Community in Lostice 1544-1942.
Sumperk Library, May 2011
Educational program for pupils the Sumvald elementary school.
Usov synagogue, June 2011
Educational program for pupils of the Klopina Elementary School.
Usov synagogue, June 2011

Descendents of the Rabbi Gunzig with their families during the festive opening of the restored synagogue.
Lostice, August 2011
Dr. Stanton Canter a Janet Canter during the festive opening of the restored synagogue.
Lostice, August 2011
Hashivenu concert of the soloist of the National Theatre Jaroslava Maxova. Lostice synagogue, October 2011
Educational program and workshop, Sternberk College, November 2011
Educational program Kristallnach, Zabreh high school, November 2011
Educational program Kristallnacht, Mirov elementary school, November 2011